Maximum Ratings
Synthetic Seal Valves Recommended to 200°F.
Viton Seal Valves recommended to 400°F.
Teflon Seal Valves Recommended to 450°F.
Metal to Metal Seal Valves with Special Gaskets Recommended above 450°F.
The Arrow Valve Company, invites any inquiries regarding construction, design and application of our valves.
Standards and Specifications
Many standards play an important role in the manufacture of valves to provide the consumer
uniform and safe products.
These standards and specifications prescribe rules and regulations for construction
of boilers and pressure vessels, including
valves and safety appliances, specifications for materials,
dimensional standards and requirements for piping systems.
Arrow Valves, wherever applicable, conform to the requirements set
forth by the following associations:
API-American Petroleum Institute
ASME-American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM-American Society for Testing and Materials
NACE-National Association of Corrosion Engineers
ANSI-American National Standards Institute
MSS-Manufacture Society for Standards of Valve and Fitting Industry